Obsolete Electronic Components



Prabhu Impex Electronics specialized in providing reliable, authenticated, genuine obsolete electronic components with full traceability or authentication tests in accordance with customers’ requirements document.




What are the implications of Obsolescence?

Electronic Components which are defined as Obsolete are no longer manufactured by the OCM.

Any component is subject to become obsolete when it is being replaced by a better or newer technology (for instance, a smaller silicon process, or an extended functionality device) while other are discontinued due to reduce of market demand.


Electronic products are being designed to function with specific electronic components a replacement of even a single component might lead to additional re-design modifications as well. Therefore, when an OCM discontinues a specific component that is still being used in production among the industry, OEM’s are usually taking rapid actions in order to secure their line of production for the future years. 


When it comes to obsolete electronic components, it is a common practice to source the necessary obsolete components, rather than re-design a replacement component(which may often cause more functional problems than expected). 


when it comes to sourcing obsolete electronic component,
Traceability, Testing and Authentication are the keys to ensure functional and continuation of production.


Prabhu Impex Electronics provides reliable and authenticated obsolete Electronic Components and Circuits to various applications, including Military, Medical, and Industrial, to hundreds of OEM’s around the globe.


Prabhu Impex maintains a documented vendors’ qualification program, with up-to-date certifications. Among our exclusive vendors are franchised distributors, qualified stocking distributors and Authorized End-of-Life extension distributors.
We supply obsolete electronic components with full traceability (C of C) or with authentication report in accordance with customers’ testing requirements document.




Read more about Components Testing and Authentication 

performed by Prabhu Impex Electronics





Obsolete Component - Prabhu Impex Electronics


How to fight Counterfeit?


As counterfeit aerospace aviation eletronic components become an increased risk to the supply chain, it is crucial to monitor and track the source of the obsolete components back to the OCM.

Authentication and testing of obsolete components is strongly recommended in the absence of traceability.

Prabhu Impex complies with the evolving standards of counterfeit mitigation and processes. We provide quality inspection with every purchase order, as part of our service.
Testing and authentication are performed per customers’ requirements sheet, all conducted in-house or by our partner LAB (SMT Corp):


1.   Microscope x100 magnification of Components’ package and leads and              BGA balls

2.   Visual Inspection and marking comparison to MFG specifications.

3.   Scrape Test

4.   Resistance to Solvents (RTS)- Marking permanency

5.   Package Configuration and Dimensions - comparison to MFG datasheet.

6.   Electrical measurement of Passive Components (C,R,L)

7.   Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

8.   Scanning Acoustic Microscope

9.   XRF Elemental Analysis (RoHS test)

10. Solderability Test

11. Heated Solvent Test

12. Decapsulation & Die Microscopy

13. Electrical and Functional Test